The Geology of the Oijärvi greenstone belt consists of a volcano-sedimentary package of mafic to ultramafic volcanic rocks and sediments mentamorphosed to amphibolite facies. The structural architecture is well mapped using detail magnetic and electromagnetic geophysics data. The most prominent feature is the large and complex arcuate Karakha structural corridor that runs along the axis of the belt.
Limited exploration has historically been completed at the Oijärvi Gold Project beyond the current resource footprint, with only 292 shallow holes drilled to date for a total of 51,854m. Notable drill results include 22.6 g/t of Au and 126.3 g/t of Ag over 11m along hole.
Regional and local scale zones of structural complexity (shear zones, faults, intersections, folds, jogs etc.) favourable for hosting potentially large Au deposits are present with many still untested and the broad and complex Karakha shear corridor remains open in all directions. One of the last drill holes drilled in 2010 intersected similar style mineralization as the Kylmäkangas deposit extending the zone approximately 1.8km to the southwest. This may suggest that mineralization previously not identified exists along the entire shear zone. Regional exploration holes completed by Agnico Eagle intercepted mineralization with Au grades between 1-97 g/t Au at Kylmäkangas West, Karahka and Kompsa targets where strongly altered, pyrite mineralized, and gold anomalous felsic intrusive porphyritic rocks encountered.
The regional potential of the Oijärvi greenstone belt is significant, and Gold Line Resources aims to unlock the potential through systematic exploration along prospective structural corridors using world class geophysics interpretation, till geochemistry, top of bedrock drilling, and follow up diamond drilling on high priority targets.